Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gtak Customisation

If you are absolutely a gmail user, and like gmail chat, here is some small tips you can play with.

Always set some attracting status message which suit to your character.


If you wan to make bold , just add under score before and after a particular word.

Eg: if you want status like below:

“The score never interested me, only the game.”

Set your status as:

“The *score* never interested me, only the game.”


If you want to make it in italics, like below

“The score never interested me, only the game.”

do this:

“The score _never interested_ me, only the game.”

(dont remember the white space after _ and before _)

Also you can add Unicode character in your status. What to do is select some Unicode character from some website or here and paste on your status message . (not the Unicode number, but the character)

You can use gmail chat imoticons also as your status message

Key Combination


It’s a monkey!

Rock out.

: - o

: D

: (

x - (

B - )

: ‘ (

= D

; )

: - |

= )

: - D

; ^ )

; - )

: - )

: - /

: P