Friday, July 31, 2009

I Dropped Out of social life Today..

@innoz,We are a couple of nobody's trying to build something from nothing and the odds are we will fail. However, in order to even have a chance at succeeding, we need to have everything staked on this. I gave up my social life today and I did it because I had to.

I did a lot of great things (had a beautiful girlfriend,lots of fun) so I'll never regret it, but I'm a shell of the personality I used to be. Basically, I had been languishing in college and had gotten comfortable with mediocrity.
I have a lot of back papers @ college,and was having a real fuda with the exams all over.
Maybe only those who had completed the sylabus in kerala for a graduation will understand this, but when you are a college guy in your mid 20's you live apart from society within a closed loop of friends,fun & fun.
Everybody's life moves forward but you are in this open-ended thing that keeps you poor and without natural social contacts.
Last summer I started counting the number of times I would interact with her on a daily basis and it was usually more than three hours - counting the calls and the time i used to visit her at her town. Needless to say, dropping out of this is something I had been thinking about for a while.

The reason I chose today to drop out was because of the vision I had with innoz. innoz's chances of getting big is too high & Once I realized that we might not be growing that pace if I kept delaying the inevitable, I started to think more about what I wanted to happen with Innoz.
Then the calculation became simple - if I want Innoz to succeed I have to dedicate absolutely everything to it. I realized that monday and quit friday(long weekend).
The last thing i told her was to wait,give patience until i will achieve something & bring something good for both of us.
I have no money, no job, no health insurance, and no idea if we are actually going to succeed but at least I'm fully committed to something I care about.
Wish me,pray me or laugh at me.
"i dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true."